A Letter from a Bride during the Covid Pandemic: "Our elopement was PERFECT" | Leavenworth, WA
I remember getting the email from Kimberly last spring letting me know that they were considering greatly changing their wedding plans due to the covid pandemic. A few things were on the table — they had a Plan B, a Plan C, I’m pretty sure all the way down to a Plan Z. There was so much uncertainty. It felt like regulations were changing weekly, and in the middle of all the swirling… brides and grooms like Kim and Conner were just left in the middle of it, completely shocked and unsure and honestly devastated about the fact that their wedding day was most likely not going to look anything like they had dreamed about, if it was even going to happen at all.
And now, as we’re heading into 2021, I know many couples are still feeling the uncertainty about the coming year… I’m staying hopeful but still, who know’s what going to happen? Regardless — here is some GOOD NEWS!
Kim and Conner’s wedding turned out to be the most perfect day!! Though it wasn’t the 275 people celebration they were originally planning, they were actually grateful. They decided to elope in Leavenworth at beautiful little cabin resort called Mountain Springs Lodge. They packed up their family and closest friends, about 30 people, and spent the weekend celebrating together — sharing Leavenworth’s famous brats and pretzels, playing yard games, dancing under the stars, and just relaxing! They had an intimate ceremony and Zoomed the rest of their guests in.
I asked Kim a few weeks after they got back from their honeymoon what their honest thoughts were about how it all happened. I know her words will be so encouraging to all of the couples facing the uncertainty of getting married during this pandemic!!
“The whole weekend turned out to be really perfect…Despite our original guest count of 275, I actually loved having a small wedding. The small ceremony allowed us to really focus on the commitment we were making and took all other distractions away. It was also a lot less stressful because there wasn't much that could go wrong, and even if something did it was just our families so who really cared? Reflecting back on that day we are so grateful for how present we both felt. There were no obligations to make sure we talked to everyone or stay on a strict timeline, instead we just got to fully enjoy and soak in all of the goodness.
I also think it was really special to be able to have a whole wedding weekend, as opposed to just one day. I loved how both our families got to just spend time together that was relaxing and authentic. I loved how the morning of our wedding we had a big brunch with everyone and were able to slowdown before we started getting ready. I love how our dance floor was just the grass in front of the cabin and that we ended the night with the chicken dance!”
It was such a joy to be there with them — I agree 100% that it really was a dream wedding weekend. I think more couples should take Kim’s advice and plan their wedding like this, pandemic or no pandemic!!